Tuesday, 26 June 2018


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "I am one of those lucky people who had the privilege of believing in the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but his parents Shortly afterwards, Musharraf became a dictator. As a result of Quresh, a delegation came to him, all Qureshi used to honor his great literature, he said to the participants: "This person has kept us very tight." Everything that makes the idol remains. Everywhere you make them happy, you are a wise and dependent man, go and understand them.
So the Sacrifice took a delegation from the nation and brought the wish of the Holy Prophet to the eighth, the other people stayed outside and the companions were blinded themselves. When the Prophet (saw) saw him, he said to the council Imran Bin Sakhin was already present there. The section tells you that you call our gods equally and condemn them, is it right?
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) How many gods do you worship, he said, we worship seven gods, who are in the earth and one God who is in the heavens. The Prophet (PbUH) asked: "If you get any harm and hurt He said, "The God who is in the heavens, then ask," If the livestock is destroyed, then who asks, "He said to one of the heavens of the heavens."
You are very sorry that your prayers accept a heavenly God, but when you worship the time, you start worshiping the virtuous and virtuous gods of the earth, do you like this polytheism? O mysteries! Accept Islam, so that you can avoid punishment. The curtains arise from the eyes of the Prophet when he saw the horror. He accepted Islam at the same time. His son Imran was not pleased with joy, he kissed his father's head, kissed his father's head and kissed his hands and legs. The Prophet (PbUH) saw this, when he saw it tears flow, and said,
"I am impressed by the behavior of Imran so much. When the sections came here, Imran stayed sitting, when he became Muslim, Imran got racing to his father and expressed his love for him. "The companions returned back, and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered his companion that The parts reach their home. When they stepped out of Delhi, they looked at the face of Masrat and Noor on their face, that they broke the relationship with infidelity. (السیرۃ الحلیبیہ)

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